Our Newsroom

The Return-to-Office Decision Post-Covid: The effects on Firm Performance
Business leaders face critical, post‐COVID return‐to‐office decisions that impact organizational culture, employee engagement, and firm performance. Explore how HR and business leaders can demonstrate healthy decision‐making and implementation processes.

Why You Should Break Up With Your "Go-To" Employee
If you’ve ever been a manager, chances are, you have your go-to resources that always gets the job done. But these employees may resent the burden of extra work, while their percieved less reliable colleuges get a free ride.

The Intersection of National Cultural Values and Organizational Cultures
Much has been written separately about organizational cultures
of voice and silence and national cultural value orientations,
but these two subjects have not been explored together.

Employee Silence Is Not Always Consent
When your employees are silent – when you aren’t hearing any ideas or complaints – it might mean that they are busy and engaged. But it might also mean that some critical communication channels are blocked.

6 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Talking and Start Listening
This type of culture, which is often caused by egregious leadership practices, can put your company’s reputation and in some instances, its welfare, at risk. These practices can also negatively impact the productivity and mental health of your employees.

The Perfect Deadly Storm: Corporate Silence
On the surface, it would seem that Spohr’s public relations discourse was an attempt to protect Lufthansa. However, this tragedy and the ensuing misinformed statements indicate two lethal corporate phenomena that could be mitigated by the right leadership.

The Leading Cause of Corporate Calamity Is Leaders Who Don’t Listen
The RMS Titanic struck an iceberg and sank in 1912, yet despite more than a century of studies and analysis, few historians reference the root cause of this tragedy – a phenomenon known as “corporate silence.”

Why did Volkswagen risk so much for small sliver of U.S. market?
Fraud, like any business strategy, is a game of risk and reward. Accounting fraud at Enron and Worldcom, for example, added billions of dollars to the companies’ market value and enriched a whole lot of people before the schemes fell apart.

5 ways to keep top employees from quitting during a merger
Mergers and acquisitions are often opportunities for CFOs to lead their teams to success. However, 30 to 50% of deals don’t achieve their anticipated benefits.

Volkswagen’s new CEO must tackle this other problem
Cheating E.P.A. standards seems to be embedded in the auto industry cultural norms, dating back to the 1970s. But how does the culture reach a point where leaders gamble with the reputation of the entire organization and customers’ lives?

Volkswagen: 4 things new CEO Matthias Mueller must do right now
Mueller has spent most of his career at the Volkswagen group so he knows the inner workings of the company. Now experts say he’ll have to make some big, bold changes to get the largest automaker in the world back on track.

3 lessons CFOs can learn from entrepreneurs
How much cost-cutting will it take to advance your firm’s bottom line? The answer may lie in the innovation stage of your organization’s development.

Creating and Sustaining an Agile Organization: The Impact of the Digital Economy
The Digital economy is here to stay. Digitization innovations are disruptive to current business models, creating new business opportunities and challenging long-standing business beliefs.

7 Myths of Leadership in Business
The Seven Myths of Leadership in Business provides managers with information to help lead in a complex world where platitudes have a very limited place.

Overcoming The Culture of Silence
Leadership complexity is increasing and at the root of each of these scenarios is a “Culture of Silence” in which employees willfully withold important work-related information for reasons that involve you, the leader.

Could The "Bully Boss" Become The New Normal?
What if the bold, in-your-face leadership style, that has captured mainstream media, produces leadership that employess define as harmful, deviant & abusive?

How Can Women Close The Gender Divide?
Women leaders are faced with the challenge of walking a thin line in order to seem as qualified, or in some cases, better qualified then their male counterpart.

Minimise Regrettable Turnover
Employee turnover comes out of nowhere, and many companies regret turnover most when it involves valuable employees who possess important knowledge & hard to replace skills.

How and Why Millennials Are Shaking Up Organizational Cultures
Millennials are now the nation’s largest living generation and shaking up established work norms, which means leaders should be ready to change.
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